Glass Forest | Agustina Woodgate + Ian Montgomery
Dance cards for modern clubbing.
Montpelier, Vermont
September 10, 2009 - October 6, 2009
Kara most recently received her MFA in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design. Before that she studied Printmaking and Glassblowing at Alfred University and is probably one of the few people to earn a minor in theatre and actually use it for something. She has been released yet again from the dark, damp depths of the academic world and back into the blinding brightness of ‘society’. Although it is always a bit of a odd and awkward transition at first, overall she acclimates herself well wherever she goes, wears sunglasses and plays well with others. A dabbler of the extreme sport we call ‘art’, Dunne constantly mixes things up just for the sake of doing so, sometimes working with drawing, silkscreen and other printmaking processes, meanwhile pondering the possibility of building large scale sculptural installations and incorporating some element of the ephemeral. She also spends her time thinking about dance cards, shoe horns, why people have display fruit, what it would be like to have a job where you make up fifteen different names for the same shade of green paint at Sherwin Williams, and above all what she is going to ‘do’ next. More often than not she ends up incorporating herself into whatever she is making, either through live performance or video, the now and then of her overall artistic process. But easier to chew. The audience is a huge factor in her work, and she tries to consider the viewer as an important variable in the outcome of a piece. Interaction is essential to the life of an artwork. Direct connection is key. Dunne considers herself to be a social commentator on a cable station you never knew you had subscribed to.