Little Niagara | Taylor Tower
A text-based personal story and witness reports based on the accidental death of Tower’s father are incorporated into a collection book that features the site of his passing.
Final draft of Little Niagara. Attached are a recreation of the medical examiner's report and the incident report from her dad's death.
Elsewhere Study Space - this was in the dorm style room and is where I wrote the story
Taylor and her father
“While I was at Elsewhere, I checked my email and found a message from the executive director of The Moth - the true life storytelling series. I had done a GrandSlam in St. Paul, Minnesota where I met the producers from NYC. When I was asking about getting audio from that show, they asked what I thought my MainStage story would be. I pitched them the story of trying to reconcile the many sides of my dad after his death when I was 9 years old. They accepted it and I flew to Denver, Colorado a few weeks later. It felt surreal since my dad was from Colorado and drowned in a white water rafting accident in the Colorado river. I also told the story on September 30, two days after my dad's birthday. His high school friend was in the audience. It was a dream of mine to be on The Moth and to tell the story of his death right after I'd written a fictionalized version of it for Elsewhere felt like it was all meant to be. I was in the right space to inhabit the story and tell it in front of 1,800 people.” -shared via email 10/27/21