Miami Goes Elsewhere Residency
Miami Goes Elsewhere is a residency of Miami-based interdisciplinary artists Pioneer Winter, Juana Valdes, Jessie Laino, Patricia Margarita Hernandez, Emma Rosenberg, & Matthew Evan Taylor. Artists will create site-specific projects in or around Elsewhere's 100-year-old building with new sculptures, installations, and performance-based works.Miami Goes Elsewhere will serve as an incubator for collaborative creation and critical, experimental artwork, while building networks among a common field of alternative artists and arts organizations in Miami, Greensboro, and North Carolina.Elsewhere partnered with select Miami artists and arts leaders to curate this special residency exploring the local ecology of artists and creative practitioners from one of the world's most vibrant scenes.
Miami Goes Elsewhere is the second in Elsewhere’s series of intra-city residencies dedicated to an exploration of place and its relation to the methods and media of contemporary art production. This month-long special residency culminates with a July First Friday event to share the projects (see “Related Events” tab).
For more information on the first intra-city curated residency with Chicago-based sound artists, visit our Museum as Instrument (MU::IN) page.
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This project is funded in part by the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.
Related Events
June 19th, 5 - 6pm | Artist Talks
Join the Miami Goes Elsewhere artists for their Artist Talk at The Forge (115 W Lewis Street). The residents will be presenting their past work and discussing their creative, individual practices.
July 1st, 6 - 10PM | First Friday Opening
This curated residency will culminate on First Friday, July 1st from 6-10pm. Come see what the interdisciplinary Miami artists come up with.
Pioneer Winter, Host, 2016, performance.
Juana Valdes, Colored China Rags I, 2012, porcelain bone china.
Jessie Laino, D-01, 2013, LED lights, car battery, bike, DC motor.