Pet Memorial | Manon Wada & Avery Rose
This collaborative and co-authored project commemorating our past pets on the chairs of Elsewhere Museum was initiated by artist in residence Manon Wada with house manager/curator Avery Rose. Elsewhere’s Pet Memorial is both virtual providing remote access online and kinetic with inscribed chairs moving throughout the museum.
Remembered by: Tashi
Timothy was my childhood dog. He was a beagle.
I remember taking him for a walk for the first time in Manhattan. He was a puppy and he looked so small among the big buildings.
Remembered by: Loren Wait
Ellie was a 15 year old golden retriever when she crossed over the rainbow bridge. She had a sweet, pleasant face and was a light, sandy gold color with white facial features that she developed as she got older. She was sweet, snuggly, and loved to go for walks and prance through fields. She was my best friend and I miss her dearly.
Ellie used to love going on walks. Even in her old age, she would always manage to prance happily and wanted to run, despite her legs not being able to keep up with her. She never lost her puppy energy and always left me covered with dog fur from hours of pets and cuddles. She has been a part of my life since I was only 7 years old. I have endless memories with her and can’t choose a specific one. When I think of her, I feel warm. She left me the gift of comfort, safety, and support and I know she’s prancing through fields across the rainbow bridge.
Master Bruce Wayne
Remembered by: Rozan
Bruce was a special boy; saved from a bloody road side. He didn’t like humans much and was most content hiding in his cave. His permanent head tilt always asked a question.
His last week on this physical plane was spent sweetly watching birds chatter on YouTube and eating as many turkey slices as he wanted. This world wasn’t kind to him, but he tried the best he could. We all did.
Remembered by: Emily Muse
Josh was the most handsome orange tabby & white cat that I’ve ever seen. he had stunning green eyes (& later in life only the left one), a tiny notch in his right ear, and a floppy tail tip from a presumed old injury. he loved me so much that he HAD to be touching me at all times, including at night while I was sleeping (he’d curl up under the covers with me), and he drooled like a firehose when he was especially happy.
one of my favorite memories of Josh is the very first night I brought him home. I worked at the shelter I adopted him from & had known him for 3 weeks already so I knew he was perfect for me, but as a senior cat I was worried he’d take a while to adjust. instead, he waltzed out of his carrier & plonked himself right on my chest as if he knew he belonged there, and that night he slept on half of my pillow with his face buried in my hair. I woke up to him purring in my ear. he was just so immediately trusting & loving of everyone he ever met.
Remembered by: Dani
Very friendly and easygoing black and white cat
One time he accompanied me and my dad on our walk to my elementary school out of the blue
Remembered by: Victoria Crayhon
A big green eyed black panther with giant double pawed feet, he was the sweetest, softest boy I have ever known. He purred constantly, loved every human, cat or dog he ever met and lived to be 19 years old . He was with me from tiny kitten in a shelter that reached out and held hands with me thru his cage - through my entire early adulthood, helping me thru grad school and disappointing boyfriends , going on vacations and road trips with me, he was everything.
I had just come back from 6 months away abroad, I returned to my brothers apartment where Shaft had been staying the whole time. He hid from me for several hours , not a glimpse of him until I woke up next morning to him sitting next to my pillow with his giant soft paw on my face , purring as he looked at me with forgiveness.
Dudley Cheeseburger
Remembered by: Jen Delos Reyes
Dudley Cheeseburger was rescued from a contemporary art performance that was part of the HDTS. He was beloved by all who met the senior chihuahua terrier mix who had been abandoned in the desert and then found a loving home in Portland OR for the remaining 7 years of his life.
My favorite memory was reading in the sun with DC, but most people will remember him for being a very old dog, who was not neutered and had one testicle the size of a small egg.
Remembered by: Tracy
Ducky was a sweet ginger tabby who I adopted on Valentine's Day years back. He had a silly glare and a squeaky mew.
We used to walk the neighborhood leash training and he loved everyone! He had a pal, Buddy (Bombay cat), who suffered the loss as much as me. He was my alarm clock, best friend, cuddle bear, and super cool guy! We went for car rides, and visited family members all over the state. We miss you Ducky!
Remembered by: Camille
Maybe was the coolest cat! She always wanted to be close to me, and was always inside something - a box, basket, pot, or even a giant jar for a terrarium. She was obsessed with pipe cleaners, pom poms, and hair ties
She would follow me around in the woods while I collected moss and ferns, just hanging out and exploring
Remembered by: Christy
Little Clinton reminded us of pocket lint! His coat was sparse and was much like thin strands of cotton that balled up when it got wet, hence pocket lint. He was a very special fella, a Mama’s boy and extremely intelligent! Clinton was with us almost 18 years and is missed every day!
Clinton loved a good foot massage! He would lie on my lap and put his paws up! The best was when he would slowly open his eyes when I would stop with that look of “why’d you stop??” Seeing him so blissful brought great joy to him and me!
Remembered by: Megan
Pepper was a white and black tabby cat with a medium sized black dot on his body. He always loved meeting new humans when people visited the house. He loved having his fur brushed and was always purring.
Pepper would love to sit in my lap and we would watch tv together.
Remembered by: Sven Hoffmann
Nina was a pug with an outstanding personality. She slowed down in her old age and slept a lot, but she always stayed near you all day. A true companion.
She was a food Hoover, never getting enough, our floors stayed clean, nothing lasted more than 5 seconds. She loved to slurp up long spaghetti strands.
Remembered by: Avery
Pepperjack was a big white and orange kitty. He was very laid back yet a ruthless rat killer. He greeted everyone in the morning with a lil nod and a mew like “sup!” And tagged along behind me everywhere I went.
We used to live at a collective house with a DIY venue and he would walk people out of the theater and to their cars after shows ended. He would lay on his back and roll around when he was happiest.
Sunny & Taw
Remembered by: Matthew Giddings
I spent grade school in rural Southwest Michigan next to an acre of woods. We fed stray cats, who would come and go. Sunny was an orange tabby cat that I must have felt particularly connected with. After one winter, we came across cat bones in the woods and presumed it was Sunny. My parents somehow agreed to bleach the bones and let me keep them in a plastic container.
My parents had guests over for dinner and I asked if they wanted to meet our cat Sunny. I brought out the plastic box of bleached bones and spread them out on the coffee table for everyone to examine.
Taw was a black telescope goldfish with bulbous eyes that I had purchased from a pet shop under a bridge near my apartment in the Mission in San Francisco.
I got an incredible ship-like bunkbed from craigslist and had a bus bench seat in an alcove underneath. The 826 Valencia Pirate Shop was right up the street and they had this great, two-seat theater with a fish tank as the main attraction, so I made my own version for Taw. When I went on a trip, I took taw to my friend Jordan's house. I forgot to tell him to let the water get to room temperature, so I found out Taw died when I got back.
Remembered by: Manon
Sujata was my childhood dog. A little Lhaso Apso, all white with dark brown eyes. She was very sweet and a dear companion.
She first joined my family when I was ten years old and we had just moved to San Francisco. Sujata was always there for me. When I got older in high school, we would go on late night walks and wander around the neighborhood. It was very peaceful walking side by side. I’ve had recurrent dreams where she appears and I pet her and hug her. In one of these dreams I ran up to her and said, I can’t believe you’re alive! I still miss and love her.
Remembered by: Alfred McQueen Jr.
Friends and family would say if Satan was a cat her name would be Paka. She was brilliantly mean and contrary with a heart of gold for a select few. She demanded rubs and enjoyed watching the news. Many are convinced she could read the paper.
My mother was visiting and while praying, Paka jumped on her head. My mother screamed while Paka sat innocently as if planned.
Yellow, Purple, Green, & Blue
Remembered by: Marie Tatti Aqeel
the ducks were a year old when they all died. khaki campbell breed and sisters. they had free range to explore the countryside in rural Central Virginia. they were happy and they were loved.
my favorite memory is of when I gave my duck, Yellow, away to live with another farmer and she laid her head on my chest as I carried her in my hands across his farm
Remembered by: Carlos Ortiz
Spooky the skateboarding and tether ball playing bulldog was the coolest door greeter at my salon she loved Hugs snaxx and her little brother nacho who she adores
My favorite memory of her is when she smiled so big when ever I took her to echo park Lake. She was always so great full, she loved kisses and laying in the pool after a tether ball Sesh.
Tuxedo Stone
Remembered by: Jillian Stone
Tuxedo cat, extremely sweet and friendly(pretty much my esa) and the prettiest green eyes!
tux always following me to the mailbox to help me get the mail
Remembered by: Sue
I found Bootie in a torrential storm on the night of my birthday. We pulled the car up to the garage and could hear a child screaming but it turned out to be a tiny drenched tuxedo kitten hiding inside a cinder block. My boyfriend at the time demanded that we couldn’t keep but he agreed to overnight stay. I had to leave town for a week and when I returned I found that Bootie sat on my boyfriends lap the whole time I was gone so he successfully endeared himself. Bootie lived for 19 years.
If we were outside and Bootie pooped he liked to run up and down a cedar tree in celebration. He also thought belts were snakes and once he was so afraid of a belt he leapt so high he fell inside the trash can! He was also very ferocious and once backed a labradoodle into a corner before we could pull him away. He was very special and weighed 23 pounds at one point. We put him on a strict diet!
Remembered by: Liz & Tim
Zinger. Our first Tuxedo Cat. The Gentleman. Boots de Monty. Timmy’s Sobriety friend.
Memories: Pouncing on our bed and biting our toes.
Remembered by: Jacob Rhodes
Keisho was bastardized mix of Siberian husky and a sheep dog. He had long hair with black and white markings. He was very very chill 💅
Keisho use to pull me on my skateboard. I would hold his leash and scream “HA-YA” and he would take off at speeds that would frighten me. He was my childhood dog that went with me everywhere.
Remembered by: Libby
Jasper loved playing fetch with socks and exploring the outdoors.
My favorite memory was when he got out of his carrying case on the flight to LA and I found him in the lap of the person sitting in front of me.
Dan Turner
Remembered by: Nava Levenson
Dan Turner was a sneaky cuddly spirit in the body of a Bombay cat. His chattiness lives on in the spirit of the woods behind our collective home in central Virginia.
Laundry was a riveting time for Dan. He liked to attack my arms while folding laundry and he liked his punishment of being captured in the mess laundry bag even more. Very deep purs
Remembered by: Janke
Orange sherbert-buff tabby, pink paw-paw baby cheerio. Feral eared, never a stray. Leaf chaser, keeper of the monstera, purring against my guitar. Buried under the camellia tree.
I often caught passersby laying on my sidewalk petting Yarrow. He loved everyone he met.
Remembered by: Leanna, Mikey & Norman
Orange cat who was a friend to everyone, stubborn, persistent, clumsy, and perceptive. With the tiniest orange spot on his lip and another on his back leg. The softest white and orange fur ever.
When we were having our downstairs tiled, I had to block the stairs. I tried pillows, Dexter jumped them, I tried a canvas, Dexter jumped it. I built a wall 5 feet tall, Dexter ran and leaped over it and down half the stairs to the landing, looked at me, meowed as if to prove a point, then walked right back upstairs.
Remembered by: Vicky Glenn
Honey was a brown boxer who loved greeting guests, chasing balls, and being around people.
On Mother’s Day 2021 the family was playing Spikeball in the yard and Honey was one of the most excited players. When we were cleaning up we couldn’t find one of the balls anywhere. We found it later in the house near her bed.
Velcro Baby & Steve
Remembered by: Quilla
Velcro Baby & Steve were my cats who passed away in recent years. They were an inseparable furry duo for over a decade. I would like to memorialize them together: Velcro Baby a large cat who embodied all that was loving and beautiful in this world. With his luxurious grey coat, emerald green eyes, and cuddly nature, Velcro was Buddha in the form of a cat. Steve, in contrast, was an evil street kitty who attacked anyone and everything, in an unhinged desire to be Velcro Baby's protector. Steve was skinny, grey and white, and unapologetically fierce. May they live long and prosper in Kitty Heaven together.
While Velcro Baby was endearing to everyone who laid eyes upon him, the only other true animal friend that Steve had was a big ole possum who I named Todd. Every night, Todd would come to our porch and wait for Steve, and the two critters would go romping together in the neighborhood, stealing cat food from another cat named Muffin across the street. Velcro Baby would watch them quizzically from the window, and was not jealous at all.
Remembered by: Cam
Stormy was a medium sized dog that I had for basically the entirety of my childhood. She passed away when I was 18 at a very old age. She was a mutt with brown speckled fur, and she was a very timid dog who loved best to simply be left alone.
Stormy had a terrible habit of running away. And she was very smart about it. I remember as a child when my family built her a fence around the yard. Within a few hours, Stormy had learned to jump the fence and did so every chance she got. She usually just ran down the street to a pond in our neighborhood. She loved swimming. She was a very independent dog, and at times it seemed like she couldn't care less about my family, but I think she really just liked the adventure of roaming freely.
Remembered by: Aliy
My dog was Ringo. He was a grey and white French bulldog who kind of looked like Samuel L Jackson. We met when I was 20years old and we lived our lives in unity for 10 years. It wasn’t nearly long enough. He was my best friend in the entire world. He was a total brat but he got away with it because he was so damn funny, too. And so tender. We would spend hours laying with each other as I read books, he fitting so perfectly in the nook of my leg when I bent it just so. I lost him in January due to sudden brain lesions and I’ve been broken ever since. He will always be my best friend.
Every memory was my favorite. I think one I always come back to was my first week with him. He hated being on a leash the first few weeks I had him. One morning I took him out for a walk and he refused to move. I was frustrated and so mad at him. suddenly, he ran into a patch of orange California poppies and plopped down and looked up at me. I snapped a picture because I had never seen something so adorable. All frustration vanished, and I thought of that imagine often. I still have that photo, although I can’t look at it yet, I often imagine it in my Mind’s eye.
Remembered by: Abby
Jake was a black lab / border collie mix. Everyone says this about their dogs, but to this day, he was the most intelligent and intuitive dog I have ever known. He had an emotional sense for his family in a way that goes beyond what I can really explain, and felt to me (when I was young,) more like an older sibling than anything else.
My siblings, the three of us, are all within two years of age. Jake was a herding dog by nature, and he kept his three little kids corralled- circling us up, guiding us in when we wandered, and keeping his little herd together. Without fail, everyday after school he sat outside waiting for the bus, ready to nudge us back home. So much of who I am was shaped by this herding dog’s guidance, and I love him a lot.
Remembered by: Skully Gustafson
Bino was a large black and white Norwegian Forest cat who was very assertive and outgoing, the yang to his brother Zahboya’s yin. He always made sure him and his brother were fed at the right time and sat by the doors to keep mice and rats at bay.
Bino was all around a very funny cat. He loved to be social and whenever my partner and I were hanging out or we had friends over, Bino would be right there hanging out with us, often sitting on his own stool at the kitchen table. He was amazing to cuddle with and you could hold him however you wanted and he just loved it.
Remembered by: Marilyn Bogerd
Jules was a ‘greyhuahua,’ a brindle miniature Italian greyhound mixed with a Chihuahua. He had been abused and lost one eye. He was always a very calm dog, loved walking, loved the subway, a real New Yorker like me. I rescued him from Animal Care and Control in San Francisco where I was volunteering on the day they were going to euthanize him. Jules was also naturally a therapy dog, sensing when a person was in distress and laid on the person, once for 1½ hrs.
Jules loved cats. In SF there was a small park nearby with many trees and a man used to bring his cat on a leash after work. The cat didn't like dogs but loved Jules. They walked together and everyday Jules waited for him. I will always love him. My son’s dog Francis, who was also a rescue, was his best friend. On occasion I'd give Jules a couple of large bones to chew on and every time he hid one of them in the yard for Francis. When Francis visited, Jules took him to the backyard and showed him where he had saved the bone for him.
Kate Bush
Remembered by: Carson Whitmore
Kate Bush- an older black cat that loved to poked around the hay shed.
Each of these pets are barn cats that live in the horse barn that neighbors my home. The barn has a rotating cast of cats that I give names to. Kate Bush would let you get about five feet away and then roll around on the ground. If you got any closer she would scamper away. I learned her barn name was Radar.
Remembered by: Maggie McCullough
Bella lived to be fifteen years old (well over 100 in dog years), but if love could keep something alive, Bella would have lived forever. Her old age can be attributed to her three-walks-a-day lifestyle that my dad made sure to give her (rain or shine). Bella loved the snow. She hated thunder. She hated the heat, but she loved to swim with her best friends, Haley and Josie.
Bella was loved everywhere she went. So much so that she racked up her own not-so-little fan club. When the pandemic hit, and my older sister and I found ourselves living in our family home again, so we planned and executed an extravagant 13th birthday party for Bella, which was attended both in person (socially-distanced) and virtually by more people than I've ever had show up to any of my birthday parties... Bella was a once-in-a-lifetime dog. I know I will spend the rest of my life looking for her features in other creatures. It was a pleasure growing up with you, Bella
Remembered by: Katelaine
Sammy was a red Siberian husky. He had a white fluffy tail and pointy ears. He was really stubborn dog and would get into a lot of trouble because he would dig out of the yard.
Sammy was a really lazy dog he didn't like to do much, he really liked to stay inside and watch tv with my mom. I miss watching movies with him and throwing popcorn for him, he only liked the buttered kind no plain popcorn. He was a good boy :)
Remembered by: Kelley
Snickers was my first real buddy. She only let me hold her, and she was so accommodating when I made her sit on me. She was super loud-- people often remarked that she was the loudest cat they had ever met.
Snickers was my first pet, and I still remember the realization that pets can sense when you are sad or sick. I remember how sweet it was to have her tend to me when I stayed home from school.
Remembered by: Fig Hendrick
Smokey was a small fluffy cat, his fur made him look like he was wearing a fluffy grey vest with long black boots. He hated everyone besides me and he was my best friend, we had separation anxiety for each other. He was killed by a coyote in 2021.
He would follow me out to my art studio everyday, follow me back in, follow me everywhere, and sleep next to me every night.
Remembered by: Taylor Yocom
He was a big buff tabby cat who was unconditionally loyal, loved drinking out of the sink, and woke me up every morning by licking my face.
I came home from the studio and found a note in my mailbox - Ivan had opened a (locked!) door at my apartment and somehow broke into the downstairs neighbor’s unit!!
Remembered by: Bekah and Allen
Sheba was a Rat- Jack Russel Terrier, and was the runt of the litter. She was born with no tail (just a little nub!) and when she got excited her whole butt would shake. She live a long life of 17 years before passing peacefully.
Sheba was my childhood dog. She was always by my side and even came to live with me when I moved to Greensboro for college. She was the best cuddler, was super smart, and would always come sit in my lap and give me kisses during my anxiety attacks.
Remembered by: Sovay Markham
Romero was the most amazing cat, he was soft and cuddly and full of life. He loved playing fetch and wanted to be around us all the time. He had a great sense of humor and would always do silly things, but it was as if he was completely aware he was performing for our enjoyment.
Romero would do round-house kicks and flips whenever our older cats would come in from outside. When he wanted to go out, he would jump on us and hold on tight hoping we would take him with us. I would have taken him with us anywhere. We love you Romero, we miss you, you made our lives better and brighter, thank you.
Remembered by: Megan McShea
Sugar was a calico tabby with green eyes, a white belly and a black/gray spot on her chest. She was mellow and sweet, attentive to humans, loved lap time but not being picked up. In her prime she was a very enthusiastic eater, which I chalked up to her being born a stray.
Sugar was an indoor cat until the pandemic, when i was home all the time and she was too old to jump the fence, and i started letting her go out in the yard. She asked to be let out every day and loved all kinds of weather - wind, rain, snow. It surprised me and I loved watching her discover it. It brought a sort of daily adventure to that strange locked down time.
Remembered by: Frandee Woolf
Cooper, a little rescue pup looked like a stuffed animal and loved to play with them too. He was a sweetie with an adorable under bite.
Cooper's personality was huge and he always put a smile on my face. Most importantly he saved my life.
Chickie Pie
Remembered by: Cortney Mahan
Chickie Pie was a feisty Silky rooster. He had four toes on one foot and five on the other. He liked kicking people and crowing while helping the dogs to protect the yard. He still had a love of cuddles, blankets, and watching TV from the back of the couch.
Despite being aggressive, he loved my son too much to ever kick him. My son would chase Chickie through the yard. If he fell behind, the rooster would stop and wait for him to catch up. It was always a joy to see the two of them play chase for hours.
Remembered by: Pluto
Daisy was a Parsons Russel Terrier. She had a white coat, soft brown ears, and a spot in the middle of her head. She was hard headed and beat the odds numerous times(She was an aries lol). She was also a friend and confidant (funny word for a dog) but she would quietly lay in my lap and listen to my words no matter what.
We got Daisy when I was 10 I named her after one of my Christmas presents that year. When we got her the same day we noticed that as a puppy she was so tall that when she leaned down to eat her hind legs would come a bit off the ground and she would end up balancing on her front two paws to eat. Eventually her balance was so good she would greet me by running up my leg and jumping into my arms. She kept doing this until her age prevented her but even then she would perk up and get excited to see me despite not wanting to move from her spot on the couch. I miss her every day.
Remembered by: Emily Wiley
Buddy was a dog who was the most handsome and amazing brother a girl could ask for. He was always there for you to listen and lean on.
When ever I was sad or anything else he always seemed to know and just appear and make all of those negative feeling disappear. I could tell him anything and he’d always look like he was listening and give me sloppy kisses. I miss them so much but I know he’s in a better place.
Potter & Pixie Brindle
Remembered by: Brindle Family
Potter: Cocker Spaniel rescue who loved being held and dressing up for Halloween. He would wear shirts and sweaters all the time but his favorite outfit was his cowboy vest and bandana.
Pixie: Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix with a misformed lower jaw (top longer than the bottom). Gave her a signature smile when she opened her mouth. HUGE princess spoiled energy
Potter: One year for Halloween I dressed up as a guitar and he dressed up as a lobster and we went, jointly, as Rock Lobster
Pixie: When we’d come home she’d stretch up against the door and we’d call it Pixie Doin Yoga. It’s the small things :)
Remembered by: Abby
Charlie was a little golden Syrian hamster. She was playful, energetic, and smart. Beyond that the little girl just made us laugh. She lives a short life that was beyond memorable.
Remembered by: Skully Gustafson
Zahboya was a large black and white Norwegian Forest cat who had an incredibly Zen and loving personality. I don’t ever recall Zahboya hissing, biting, or getting upset about anything. Zahboya was was the opposite of his littermate brother, Bino, who had a lot of anxiety and was constantly making sure there were no rats getting in the house and keeping track of food being in the bowl. We always imagined if Zahboya had one word he said, besides his occasional meow, it would be “oooooozz,” spoken with wonder of delight.
One of my favorite Zahboya memories was when he turned this little cardboard box full of collage scraps in my studio into his new favorite bed and he would sit in there and watch me paint, smiling. Even though at times I needed access to those materials, I never kicked Zahboya out of the box when he was in there and I didn’t mind the excessive shedding of his fur in the box.
Remembered by: Maggie McCullough
orange tabby, talkative, bossy, girl’s best friend
I used to dress Otis in babydoll clothes and push him around the house in a babydoll stroller; he just let me do it.
Remembered by: Picconi Family
Pansy was a miniature schnauzer. She was the sweetest, most cuddly and comforting dog. We rescued her when she was two. We often wonder if we were the ones rescued.
Pansy was a great traveler. She loved the beach but never got too close to the water. I loved watching her chase the crabs on the beach.
Remembered by: Alexei Mejouev
A grumpy brown tabby cat. Often described as a jungle cat because of her love for the outdoors and her leopard walk. She loved getting pet and would often paw at you if you stopped. You had to make sure you didn't get on her bad side because just as she had a leopard walk she also had a leopard growl and strike!
Musya was my first pet. She was the first animal we got after immigrating to the United States. Before she became an indoor outdoor cat I used to take her on walks with a cat leash. On one particular walk she decided to climb a tree. I lost grip of the leash and she was let loose. I ran inside crying to my parents thinking she was going to run away and be gone forever. An hour later she walked back inside and decided that she would enjoy both the indoors and outdoors for the rest of her life.
Remembered by: Heather Rowe
We adopted Klaus from the ASPCA in 2005. I picked him right away in the cat window. He struck a dignified pose with his white chest puffed out. You could tell he thought highly of himself even though he was a pretty standard tabby cat. He was 3 years old and large. His name was Rodolfo but after spending some time with him, I settled on Klaus—a nod to Klaus Kinski and Klaus Nomi. He would get a wild look in his eye. After having him for a few years, he got sick and we took him to the vet. From the x-ray we discovered Klaus’ insides were completely different from other felines. His organs were oddly arranged — possibly a congenital disorder. Every vet we took him to after this would urge us to consider an operation to put his organs in the right places. We declined this route and Klaus lived with us for 12 years. He was 15 when he died in 2017.
Klaus could be fierce and did not take kindly to guests in our apartment. Perhaps it was an instinctive mode of protection. One time a friend had offered to babysit our 6 month old child. A rare night out with friends, we received a frantic phone call that Klaus had trapped her in the bathroom and she had shielded herself was a pillow (now shredded) to escape his wraith. Our night out was cut short. He never ever touched our kid despite his aggressive tendencies. He loved tuna juice and we like to think he is somewhere with fountains of tuna juice planning his next ambush.
Remembered by: milo asim zazar fish
lassie was a maltese, i got him for my birthday when i was 3 & named him after the dog character lassie bc i was really into the show at the time.
im disabled & spent a lot of my childhood in & out of hospitals & he would always be right next to me when I got home keeping me safe.
Earnest H Cat
Remembered by: Rozan
Ernie was an unintended save. A football-headed stray that wandered into the wrong carrier but straight into the right heart.
Ernie would lay on his back when he was content. We called it “ottering”. He was the best soul and one helluva friend.
Remembered by: Lu Hernandez Tran
Jaxx was an Australian cattle dog beagle mix who loved sleeping and running in fields before her joints gave out. She had bushy eyebrows and was a good detective
She just always stopped to smell the flowers, literally. I think of her face buried in a cluster of yellow flowers in the middle of our first walk together all the time
Remembered by: Jennifer R
A very friendly Russian tortoise
I miss our chats and walks.
Remembered by: The Silverman Family
We joke around that Coco was a super model. She was a blue point ragdoll and had the softest fur out of any of our other cats, little white mittens, and the face of a model kitty. She loved when people sang to her. One of her favorite things was to roll on the kitchen island at the end of the night after we wiped it down with disinfecting spray. She loved to play too, she was notorious for hiding behind a wall or couch and hitting people when they walked by her.
She is remembered for being crazy but sweet—a cat who could be tucked away sleeping in an upstairs closet, but come running downstairs if she heard someone was crying. She was a comfort kitty who loved everyone, and we miss her everyday.
Remembered by: Megan
Lyra was a black and white collie/cattle dog mix with large spots and freckles. One ear stood straight up and one flopped over. She was sweet and quiet, and she loved to be near her people.
I once took Lyra up to the mountains to visit my parents. We let her run around in the apple orchard and she found a patch of something green and rolled in it. She looked so happy! I have a picture saved from the moment that I will never delete.
Remembered by: Sam
chloe was a golden retriever with absolute rocks for brains and a heart of gold. she would often play tug of war with us with the tips of our socks, pull them off our feet, and hide them in her own personal stores. she would also often steal the stuffed animals off my bed to keep herself company whenever she was alone at home. she was the best dog in the world, silly, cuddly, a bit of an attention hog, and always there to listen.
chloe loved autumn leaves as much as me and my siblings did growing up. one particular fall we made a monster pile about 5 feet high in our culdesac, and spent hours running through the pile and rebuilding it, with chloe in tow, bounding through the leaves until we were out of breath. she also loved to steal a slice of pizza off at least one guests plate at every birthday party or family function we held in our backyard.
Remembered by: Sarah Grange
Juniper was a golden lab/shepherd rescue. She lived a tough life of neglect before my partner and I adopted her around the age of 7. She was the most loyal dog I've known with a charming grumpy old lady vibe about her. She loved to wade in the water (but never swim) and had a passion for hunting chipmunks in the stone walls around our house.
One of my favorite memories of Juniper was the day we met and adopted her. She was so calm and sweet that the shelter had her living in the kitchen area, rather than a kennel. My partner and I were looking for a medium sized, high energy dog that could go hiking and biking with us. When we walked into the kitchen, we were greeted by a large old shepherd mix with bad hips and the sweetest eyes you could imagine. She immediately melted into my partner's lap and showed her belly for pets. She was the first dog we met in our search to adopt and was the opposite of everything we thought we wanted, but ended up being absolutely everything we needed!
Remembered by: Kailan
Cherubino (2007–2019), a domestic medium haired cat, was a cheeky and chatty fellow with an endearing goatee and soft, luxurious fur. Named after the flighty, pubescent character in Mozart's _Marriage of Figaro_, he was an incorrigible flirt with a sassy personality. Never much of a mouser, he was also remarkably lazy (he once proudly delivered a mouse he'd "caught"...only after it had already gotten stuck in a trap!).
Cherubino adored "helping" me change the bed, sneaking into my linen closet, attacking my sheets with great ferocity, and burying himself under the blankets. He was my constant companion even as a lengthy illness (likely a GI tumor) shrunk his frame and sapped his energy, and he kept this weary scholar company as I struggled to write an article, or get through a late night grading binge. He was especially good at snuggling with me on the couch if I indulged in an afternoon nap. I miss him.
Remembered by: Elizabeth Hernandez
Kitana was a fun rambunctious cat that dealt with a household full of children. She was a fluffy calico cat that was rescued from a hoarded home taken to live a luxurious life elsewhere. She acted more like a dog than a cat and is missed dearly every day.
A fond memory is when she started to want to become an outdoor cat. We would come outside and have such a hard time finding her sometimes because of how well her coat would blend into the colors of nature. It was always fun to see where she was hidden though.
Remembered by: Jennie
She was a loyal chow chow/lab mix who was all black. Her left ear had a little bend at the top, and she had a purple tongue.
In 2014, my mom and I were on vacation in Ft. Lauderdale and we had read an article about a bird who was allergic to his feathers that lived at the pound nearby. We decided to visit the bird, and while we were waiting to meet this bird, we saw the cutest little black puppy that we played with. We met the naked bird, and took the puppy home with us. I carried Molly everywhere with me in a wicker basket with a blanket on her. She was the perfect girl.
Remembered by: Marty Koelsch
Puggles the puggle was a sweet girl. She liked taking naps and going out for ice cream. Her heart was as big as her belly <3
Puggles used to love crocs. Whenever someone came over wearing them, she would bite their ankles until they sacrificed the crocs. Then she would steal and round around with them.
Remembered by: Julia
Felix was a black Cocker Spaniel with fluffy long ears, an adorable snout, and big eyes, who lived to be about 12 years old. I remember the day my mom and I picked him up and he became my puppy. He was so small in the backseat of the car, and I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to get to take him home. He was a difficult dog, but he was very sweet to me. He had a paranoid side and was unpredictable with strangers. I remember how much he loved my uncle’s bigger dog, and he would catch a hold of the other dog’s tail with his muzzle and follow him around like they were a train, wagging his tail intensely. Sometimes his paranoid side was charming and mysterious. He would bark at a tree, or inanimate objects.
In the last days of his life, struggling with lung cancer, he and I were together a lot, though I was by then an adult and had moved out of my parents’ house. I stayed with him by my side a lot of the day and all of the night. I rehearsed my songs with him next to me, and in the process came to write a song for him called “Für Felix”, that includes a recording of him barking. Once he started having trouble breathing, we had to have someone relieve him from his misery. He died in my arms— his painful wheezing stopped and I felt him relax. I will never forget the feeling of his warm, soft curly fur and his happy trot.
Remembered by: Irene Wibawa
Latte was a shorthaired, domestic cat, white with splotches like maybe a light calico version. She was about 11 when I adopted her. She loved catnip, rolling in Lycra, soft rugs, chasing her tail, and rolling in the dirt, and preferably a combination of all the above. She loved turkey but she also liked a good mouse snack, given the chance. She spent most of her life outside before I adopted her from my neighbor who had dogs with whom Latte did not get along. She got chunky while living with me but I believe she had a pretty good life, however short. She has nose cancer and endured a radiation treatment and was declared cancer free after 6 month recovery period. Still, something must've happened in her heart and she died suddenly after breakfast one Saturday morning and it broke my heart too.
In the mornings she'd snuggle up to me, insist on being spooned, and purr and it is just pure (or purrrr) love and I miss her.
Lil Kevin
Remembered by: Krystal Mack
Lil Kevin was a mealworm I had when I was 11 years old. He was an assigned as a sort of science project that involved caring for a living thing. My mother was horrified at the idea but allowed me to participate as long as I kept him in the repurposed strawberry yogurt container full of oatmeal provided by my teacher.
I remember looking forward to coming home from school to check on Kevin to make sure they were alive (because a large part of my grade depended on it that semester) but also feeling really proud to have a caring relationship with something often seen as a pest in kitchens. At the end of the project, I was one of a few students who’s mealworm had survived. I was convinced it was because I’d swapped their oats weekly and gave them free time out of the container on my dresser. As much as my Mom hated having a “pest” in her house, I’m sure the mealworm was probably annoyed with being in an old yogurt cup. Caring for Lil’ Kevin taught me early on what it means to be in a relationship with other living things the general population sees as a nuisance.
Remembered by: Carson Whitmore
A grey tabby cat with a very friendly face and demeanor.
Each of these pets are barn cats that live in the horse barn that neighbors my home. The barn has a rotating cast of cats that I give names to. I like the thought that they have a persona at the barn with one name and an alter ego and name when they visit me. Saltine and I became good friends.
Golden Milk
Remembered by: Carson Whitmore
Golden Milk- a skittish little orange tabby.
Each of these pets are barn cats that live in the horse barn that neighbors my home. Golden Milk was named because I had a dream about discovering a group of cats in my shed and naming one, an orange tabby, Golden Milk. About two week later the barn got a group of new cats and the one orange tabby had its name already selected.